This blog is all about our content plan project. What it is, what it does, who it's for, and how you might just benefit from one!
As you already know, a content plan is an essential piece of any great marketing puzzle.
Your content needs to be strategic, and meticulously planned in order to become a successful content creator.
And that is where a content plan comes in. It ensures that you are writing about the right things, consistently, in order to increase traffic and drive the right people to your website.
But, you might be wondering exactly what to include in your content plan - especially if you are new to this content malarkey.
How on earth are you supposed to know what kinds of topics your potential customers are going to be searching for?
Well, luckily you don’t have to worry about it.
That’s where we come in! 🙂
We can work with you to create a data-driven content plan that will help you stay consistent and stress-free when it comes to your content.
In this blog we’re going to dig into everything you need to know about our content plan project to figure out whether it’s the right service for you.
What exactly is our content plan project?
For this project, we work alongside you to explore your business, then we go off and create a data-driven content plan. It’s really as simple as that (although there is a lot of complex work and data-mining going on in the background).
Some people just decide to blog about any old thing that takes their fancy. But we are a little more methodical than that. We need a plan.
A content plan does what it says on the tin. It’s a calendar of all the topics you are going to write about, preferably with a publish date, so that you know what is due and when.
And you know us, data OB-sessed! Which is why we tie in buyer psychology, SEO and strategy to create a content plan based around keywords and the questions that your customers actually need to know the answers to.
That’s why we refer to our content plans as data-driven. Because we let the data we 'mine' dictate the plan.
Related content: What is a data-driven content plan?
The main objectives of a ninja content plan project...
The main objective is pretty simple. To give you a content plan.
At the end of the project you will have a complete plan consisting of:
- Validated & identified keywords
- Content ideas built around the customer journey
- Specific blog topics
Once you’ve got the plan in your hands (virtually of course) you are free to go off and get started on creating your content.
Why did we decide to offer this project in the first place?
Did you know that there are around 7 million blogs published every day?! That’s a lot.
Yet, you might have noticed that a lot of them are just a little rubbish (yup, I said it).
It’s our belief that one of the reasons so much rubbish content exists is that people just write about whatever pops into their head.

Some people have no content plan...
There is no method to the madness.
No strategy to make sure that they are writing about the kind of topics that they need to be in order to answer their potential customers' questions, drive traffic and build trust.
We wanted to make sure our clients were doing things right.
So, we decided to create the Content Plan Project to ensure that our clients were strategically creating content that will actually improve their business rather than just scrambling to find a topic to try and keep their blog ticking over.
It all feeds into our desire to bring structure and strategy to your marketing process. And a good content plan is key to creating great content (which as we know is really important).
Related content: How to add value to your content
Who is our content plan project a good fit for?
Like many of our projects and services, the main prerequisite for working with us on your content plan is that you need to be willing to put the work in.
Yes we do the lion's share of the work... However, we’re still going to need your help.
It’s a great fit for business leaders and marketing experts, who are looking to get a fully formed content plan that they can take and run to create content.
Get in touch!
Who is our content plan project NOT a good fit for?
As with all of our projects and services, we like to work with people who are going to put a little elbow grease in. If you aren’t willing to put in a little work upfront with us, then it’s likely that we won’t be able to create a great plan that is tailored to your customers. And neither of us want that.
You also have to be willing to write the content for the blog titles that we give you. If you want us to do it - we're looking at a slightly different type of project (& price)... we can do this, we do do this - it would just be a conversation for us to have when we discuss the project in detail 🙂
Part of the reason you pay for us to create your content plan is because we have the experience and expertise to know what topics and questions people ask before making a purchase.
If you just want to use your blog as a news outlet, or to brag about how great you are, then you’re probably not going to write the content that we plan for you - as that’s not the kind of topics that we cover. So it’s probably best that we don’t work together to create it.

Who isn’t a good fit for our content plan
What results can you expect to see?
Your content plan is really the starting point for creating great, tailored content. But it’s what you do with this that will lead to results for your business.
Creating content that really speaks to your customers needs can help you achieve amazing results, including:
- Increased website traffic
- Improved trust with potential customers
- Increased website conversion rates
- Authority within your industry
The content plan is the springboard that will help you achieve these results.
How long will it take to see these results:
It will take us approximately 2-3 weeks after the call to complete your content plan.
However, once you start to put this plan into action you will usually start to see results from your content after around 3-6 months. The longer you consistently create quality content, the bigger the results you will see.
The process: what happens when you sign up for our content plan project?
Well first things first, after we’ve decided to go ahead we’ll set up a call.
On this call we’ll take you through an awareness exercise, to help you understand exactly what content you will need at each stage of the buyer’s journey.
This will also help us work out what keywords are relevant to your business (if you don’t already have them), and this is crucial to the formation of your content plan.
After this, we’ll go off and create your plan which will take around 2-3 weeks to complete.
Then, we’ll have another call to hand over the plan, and go through any questions that you might have.
You can then go off and write your own content, or hire us to do this.
Get in touch!

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