How To cancel a Subscription In Keap (formally Infusionsoft)

How To cancel a Subscription In Infusionsoft

There are times when customers will ask you to cancel their subscription and with a heavy heart you will action that for them.

How do we do this in an effective way without spending too much time figuring it out?

This blog will give you the technical skills to cancel a subscription both manually and automated.

How to cancel a subscription manually

Search for the contact using the search field on your Infusionsoft dashboard 

Hit the Orders tab on in the contact’s record and scroll down to Subscriptions

Click on the subscription you want to cancel, then select Inactive from the dropdown

Then set the end date to today’s date (Or the date you want the subscription to end) and add in the reason for cancellation. The reason isn’t a mandatory field, but it’s always handy to keep a record

Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit save

How to cancel a subscription - the automated version

If you want your customers to be able to cancel subscriptions themselves, instead of having to contact you to do it for them, then this is how to set up the process.

This will involve creating a simple campaign which will look like this

Firstly, you’ll need to create an action set which will cancel the subscription.

To do this, head over to Marketing Settings on your dashboard

Then hit Action sets on the left

And then Add an action set

Name your action set. (Adding an asterix to the front will make your action set easier to find), hit the actions dropdown and select Cancel a Subscription

Select the subscription you want to cancel, then hit save

Next you’ll need to create a webform to put on your website. This will just need to collect name and email fields, but you could also create a “Reason for Cancellation” custom field if you’d like feedback as in the form below

In your campaign, follow the webform goal with a sequence containing an email simply asking the customer to click a link if they definitely want to cancel their subscription. We’re all allowed to change our minds.

This link can just be redirected to a simple landing page saying something like “Thank you, your subscription has now been cancelled.

Use a link clicked goal to then pull them out of that sequence and into the sequence where their subscription will be cancelled.

If they don’t click the link, you can assume they’ve changed their mind and would like to keep their subscription

The next sequence will contain the action set which will cancel the subscription.

As a best practice, we tend to delay the action set by a couple of minutes, just to make sure the link click goal has been satisfied before running the action set.

To configure your action set, double click the icon then select the action set you want to use then hit save.

That subscription will now have been cancelled.

It’s always handy to keep a record of these things, so add a “Subscription cancelled” tag into that sequence so you can easily find anyone who has cancelled.

And lastly, add in a note just to double check the subscription has actually been cancelled. It only takes a minute or so to check, and will prevent any disgruntled customers coming back to you to say their payment has been taken even though they cancelled.

The last sequence in your campaign should look like this

Automating your marketing is critical to moving your strategy forward. Not only does it save time and money but it also keeps your business response effective and flawless.

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