Top 10 Ways To Get Leads To Sign Up

Get leads to sign up in 10 ways

Get more leads to sign up so you are building your list, establishing your brand and positioning yourself with new potential customers because this is all really important for your business. 

The more people that know about your business, the more potential customers you are reaching out to. Getting your name out to the right people is a whole separate issue!

This blog is going to break this process down for you into fragments before putting them all back together to create a fantastic toolkit to get your leads to sign up!

What is a lead?

A lead is basically a potential customer who has indicated some level of interest.

Lead generation is the ignition of a customer’s interest. 

In lifecycle marketing this all starts happening in the attract phase. The attract phase is focused on getting your lead’s attention, keeping it and converting it.

But here we are highlighting how to get these all important leads to put their hands up and say “yes I believe in what you’re saying and doing and yes I want to hear more”.

You want the leads to sign up and buy into you.

That sounds good

What are the top ways to get a lead to sign up?

Here are the top 10 ways to get those lovely leads to sign up. You’ve attracted their attention which is great, but now you need them to commit.

How do you do it?

1. Lead magnets

Lead magnets are very nifty things. A lead magnet is what attracts the lead. It’s a handy checklist, an ebook, a video - something that they need enough to sign up for. 

If you are a dog groomer and offer a PDF download on how to keep long haired dogs free from burrs in the summer then long haired dog owners will sign up. Create a specific lead magnet for a segmented group of your list that people don’t even know they need...until they see it. 

2. Blog

We are big blog supporters. They are fabulous attention grabbers. 

Using SEO techniques you can optimise your blogs to make sure that they are working that bit harder, that they are being noticed when your leads are asking questions.

Blogs are huge at adding value because they give eager prospects the information they are searching for, if you are being strategic enough.

We’ve got a fab blog here about blogging!

Get to blogging!

3. Campaigns

The path to your leads’ hearts. 

Now given GDPR, you want to get people interested in the legal way. This can follow on from a lead magnet of similar freebie.

Get them to actively say yes and then pop them into a little campaign - a nurture campaign would be wonderful here because you aren’t trying to shove anything down their throats.

Your goal is to keep their interest and slowly let trust build.

If you want to implement a long term nurture and need some help, see this witty write up.

4. Ads

Advertisements can be really invasive and quite irritating. No one likes to be disturbed when they’re having a quick scroll.

But if you are clever about it, they can really work for leads to sign up. 

You can be really intentional about your ads and focus them specifically for your target audience. This way you are offering something that is valuable to your ideal customer and they will sign up for more!

5. Trials

Everybody loves a freebie. A cheese taster in Sainsburys (better yet, Waitrose) never goes unnoticed. 

If you want to demonstrate how much your service will benefit your lead, let them try it out themselves. 

A trial offers leads an inside look into what you could offer them - it solves their problems and makes them realise they can’t be without your solution, they sign up

Fo' Free

6. Call to Actions

If you pour your heart and soul into your website but there is no directive for prospects, no way to add them to your list...what are you even doing?

Having call to actions that are instructional, persuasive and powerful is the difference between a pop in visit and a ‘came-and-stayed-forever’ visit. 

We have a great blog to help you nail your call to actions here.

7. Social Media

Social media is like word of mouth but on steroids. It’s like the elderly woman who spreads news door to door but on speed.

If you want more leads to sign up you’ve got to get in their face. Where are their faces? On social media, scrolling like it’s nobody’s business, liking, sharing, commenting. 

Be one of the things they comment on - share beneficial content that they engage with and crave more of. 

8. Events

A bit old fashioned but really authentic.

Face to face is the ultimate trust builder because there is nowhere to hide (unless you’re at a masquerade ball).

In this digital world, virtual face to face opportunities work just as well!

Whatever you do, make sure to follow up and not waste that precious opportunity. 

Lots of hand shaking

9. Website

Trust is the key. We know this. 

Having a website that positions you as someone that can be trusted, is reliable and does a good job is critical. To get leads to sign up you need to be trustworthy!

Pack testimonials onto your website - show your prospects that signing up will benefit them like it has their peers.

Make your website easy to use. Signpost it clearly so it’s an enjoyable experience and not clunky and confusing.

10. Youtube

Youtube is hot. People love it. 

Not only is it a great way to get content out there, if you’re putting out videos of yourself you are establishing a relationship with your viewers.

Relationships are built, trust evolves, they want more so they sign up!

What are the reasons for your lead to sign up

Whichever method you use to get prospects signing up for what you’re putting down, you have to motivate them enough to want to get emails or offers from you.

Add value.

I’ve said it before and I will say it 1000 times more. Show them how your solution will improve their lives. Demonstrate how beneficial it is.

Make it personal to them. Make sure Rachael knows why your slippers are the best slippers for her feet. 

If you aren’t sure what your prospects want, ask them. Surveys, polls etc are brilliant ways to update the data you have on your target audience.

Offer freebies. Who doesn’t love a freebie? Give them a checklist or an ebook. 

Attracting their attention is step one. Holding it for long enough to get them to sign up is step two.

Here is the attract playbook to help you improve your attract strategy;

Download Attract Playbook

Analyse your Attract strategy. Attract quality leads. Hold their attention.

Knowing how to attract the right leads plays a big role here. If Rachael lives in Mexico she might not want fluffy alpaca slippers in the summer. 

Know who your ideal customer is before you start throwing your ‘attract’ strategy around. You can learn more about attracting the right leads here.

Don’t forget that to get leads to sign up you need to;

1. Know who your ideal customer is

2. Build your attract strategy around their needs

3. Use these 10 brilliant ideas to get them to sign up

4. Nurture your new list pumped up with better quality leads