The Marketing Agony Aunt Podcast_ Alex Massey

Staying Sane – Special Guest Alex Massey

AUTHOR: Kenda Macdonald

As a dedicated consultant, I specialise in elevating businesses through top-tier consultancy, fueled by a deep understanding of buyer psychology cultivated over years of experience. My expertise lies in crafting marketing and sales strategies that propel businesses to new heights by leveraging insights into the buyer brain. As a bestselling author, public speaker, and strategist, my passion for decoding human behavior drives me to innovate and deliver unparalleled results. I've designed a methodology adaptable for all types of businesses, ensuring transformative customer journeys and experiences.

Living with Anxiety

Anxiety makes you feel fearful and out of control.

It happens to all of us as part of a natural fight or flight response structured into our makeup for survival.

However when you are feeling anxious more often than not, developing physical symptoms and it’s stopping you from contributing to normal activities in your life then you may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Living with anxiety is challenging but possible, there are all types of help out there to support your mental health such as counselling, medication and coping strategies.

Alexandra Massey is a best selling author, her books centre on mental health, depression and anxiety. She helps you figure out where you are with your mental health and offers robust and holistic coping strategies to help you.

We’re so grateful to Alex for joining us on this podcast about coping during the pandemic. Alex helps us recognise where we are in our mental health journey, how it’s being impacted by the worldwide crash and coping strategies too.

If you need more support please visit Alex’s award winning blog where she offers support and tips for anyone who is struggling and needs strategies they can implement for themselves.

More information about Alex Massey and her great work: